As shown in the image below, lead generation is key to your sales journey. Become a satisfied customer. Inbound Marketing Process Now that we understand how lead generation fits into inbound marketing, let’s walk through the steps in the lead generation process. How are leads generated? How are leads generated? Visitors first learn about your company through one of your marketing communications channels (website, blog, etc.
). Through social networks, usually from search engines (he enters keywords vietnam dataset in the search field and, thanks to the SO settings, his page is one of the best answers provided in search engines). The visitor then visits the suggested page and consumes the available content. they will just click They will click on the content’s CTA (call to action) only if they truly understand the value of what they’re reading in solving the problem that prompted their initial search.
This call to action will lead visitors to a landing page – a page designed specifically for this purpose. the prospect in exchange for an offer (valuable content for that lead discovery stage, such as an ebook or course or promotional discount). After entering the login page Once on the landing page, website users fill out a form and provide contact information in exchange for this offer.