There is always the fear of receiving messages of no value. For this reason, guaranteeing your customers a way to stop receiving messages is , contrary to what you might think, a good incentive to have them leave their phone number . In fact, customers will be sure that they can stop receiving messages at any time and will therefore be more willing to leave you their contact details.
In addition to establishing a relationship of trust with them, you will malaysia telegram data both gain.Colombe and chocolate eggs at the supermarket make us understand that Easter is now upon us. This spring holiday is the occasion for family lunches and barbecues with friends. The joyful atmosphere that we breathe lays the foundation for sending greeting campaigns to customers via SMS . This is aimed at bringing companies closer to their customers even at this time of year and joining them in the celebrations.
Why Send Greetings to Customers via SMS There are several reasons to choose SMS as a tool to send greeting messages to customers. The immediacy of SMS : an SMS arrives directly on the customer's mobile phone, regardless of the model the customer has and the internet connection. This means that whoever receives it will read it within three minutes of receiving it. This way, companies can be sure that their greetings are received and, above all, read in a timely manner .